A right to have fun

September 22, 2003

not as happy as I was on Friday, but happy

two weeks of sunshine, laughter, water, fish, swimming, sand in my sandals.. (is that why they are called that?)

I wish it hadn't ended, but then we came home and it was bright and sunny and hot here too but not too hot, and it is still summer - indian summer by now I guess - and life is good. Terrible party on Saturday night when we got back - really horrible, not very nice people at all, but one of our old friends came over and it was so so nice to see him again, and the three of us had fun together, so that was something.

I am so tired though ,because we didn't get to bed until after 4 on saturday night and late again last night plus because of all the smog pollution etc I have a really sore throat urrgghhhh
