A right to have fun

May 07, 2004

I do apologise for how dull and superficial this is

So more fighting about my payrise, of course it is not going to happen for months now, so I have to decide whether to take a stand and throw a fit and leave, which would be terrible from a personal point of view, or to stick it out and grit my teeth. Ah, the corporate machine that eats us all..

Meanwhile in other news I finally wore my pink suede high heeled shoes today. I bought them a few months ago in a daze of 'I wish I had shoes like that' because they are so impossible and so unlike me. Everyone has gone nuts over them so far though, so it feels quite fun. I always get kind of (very) embarrassed when pointed out though, even for compliments, so it's hard to know what to say. Anyway. Yayy for my shoes and just wait until I twist my ankle in them!! I wore flat shoes to work because I knew it would be dangerous to try them out on a journey. Also getting on and off trains and stuff is hard. Also I had forgotten that part of my walk to the station is over cobbles, so that would have been impossible.

Could this entry be any more boring??!