A right to have fun

July 27, 2004


Woo. I am seriously tired and whacked-out for no reason today. There's been such a lot happening. I'm all tense and snappy and cross and Mr keeps getting on my nerves (and vice versa) and we're trying like crazy to plan stuff and it all just feels really weird.

I think the whole 'getting married' thing just doesn't feel like us, in a way. It's strange. It's going to be a weird wedding!

Anyway. Apart from that..... The major news is that my grandmother (father's mother) HAD sent us a gigantic sum of money (well, relatively) to cover the cost of a wedding, because she was so shocked and upset at my Dad's behaviour. So we're good to go. Which is also a weird feeling.

It's not like we can do anything we want (which would be getting married up a mountain, definitely), but it means we can do something with guests there, which is fun. Or weird.

Actually, I think everything is weird today, so I'm not going to even bother thinking of a replacement word. My head feels funny and it's all just too much. My mother was joking yesterday that everyone would be wondering who the gray-haired old bride would be, after all this worrying! I'm not sure she's wrong! Sigh.