A right to have fun

May 27, 2003

first day

it's weird, all this waiting. Sometimes I think it will drive me crazy. Waiting to see if I get swallowed up by the big juggernaut that is A COMPANY and spat out again when they've done.

There's an odd thing also, in that the weather keeps changing. This morning I put on my new sandals and as I left my building I slipped on the marble step (don't get any fancy idea, it not that fancy a building just 'cos it got a marble step) and fell flat on my back. Oh what shame! Still, no fewer than TWO old ladies stopped to see how I was and brush me off. The fuinny thing was, I didn't even seem to hit the ground. It didn't hurt or anythin. But it really trashed one of my new sandals. Serves me right I am sure. Damn leather soles. Too shiny. I should have stuck with the usual rubber/plastic and the usual price instead of trying something expensive.

'Are they for a special occasion?' the lady said in the shop. I lied and said yes. It felt silly buying expensive shoes for work.. And now of course I might not have any work any more anyway so that would doubly serve me right.

Well, we'll see.

Till tomorrow then.