A right to have fun

February 23, 2004

where did the weekend go?

I had such a cold weekend!! I don't know what happened to the weather but it suddenly went slightly mental. Friday night? Can't remember, I don't think we did anything exciting or special. Saturday we went to visit a small town, which meant a drive, which meant Mr saying 'why are you always so tense whenever we go anywhere in the car?'!! I wonder.. Could it be all the shouting and swearing coming from the driver's seat??! So we went walking around and had a really bad lunch but even that was quite fun, and we got so cold and when we got home I ran myself a really hot hot bath and things were okay again.

And yesterday we did absolutely nothing. One of those cold grey Sundays when it gets to 4 pm and you realise you've accomplished nothing at all. Although I did paint a little picture and played piano for 20 minutes.

And fingers crossed for sparkle pink!