A right to have fun

March 03, 2004


Been away for a couple of days working. It was fun to be somewhere different and yet reasonably familiar. My only gripe?

I think I've mentioned this before but it is just no fun to be a woman travelling on business. I didn't really want to go to a restaurant on my own in the evening. I've done it before, done the whole 'brave' thing, but I just didn't feel like it this time.

So I did Room Service and using the pool/gym/sauna instead and ended up feeling like a misplaced character from Lost in Translation in the process! I felt like I hadn't been out of that hotel for months! It was only about 10 hours. But I won't do that again. I'd rather tough out the solitary eating thing in public next time.

It was good to see some fun people again, and I like working with them. No-one knew I was staying over or I think they'd have invited me out. My fault for not contacting people too. Sometimes I am such an oyster!! Or is that clam?