A right to have fun

April 07, 2004

sports and soon lots of leisure

Yippee it is all rainy and cold but the trees are still green so it feels nice instead of depressing. This morning I got up and went running! Yaay. I am so impressed.

Okay it sounds impressive but really I only ran for about 7 minutes!!!!! Appalling...... But it is the thought that counts, hmm? And I thought, well, if I start today with a pathetic amount, I can only get better. I am so unfit (despite going to the gym occasionally) that I need to take it slowly. I hate the gym. It is like a nightmare or something. All these sweaty ugly people trapped in a room looking miserable, with MTV and CNN and goodness knows what blaring out of the endless tv sets.

So I will never get fit if I rely on going there. I miss playing sport. So does Mr (who is much more sporty than me). But there isn't anyone to play with here, except him, and we do everything together anyway so we'd just spend all our time together and that might get a bit too intense or boring, and also he's not exactly going to let me win anything, unless he tries really hard to lose!

So. Another exciting day. I wonder what it will consist of?

My contract is due for renewal tonight! I can't believe my boss has been so lazy about getting her act together - it is entirely her fault and I am going to be unemployed and illegal and all sorts of things tonight if it doesn't get signed today. Oh well. If that happens I can stay at home and study and paint and practise piano.