A right to have fun

April 15, 2004


Sunshine, although it is still cold. I have the day off tomorrow, which means I can have three days off which means I will relax. I felt so much better having had 4 days off last week. It makes it all easier to deal with. Anyway. It is spring, and I'm sorry for anyone who is having a bad time..

Jessica - it will get better, although it definitely doesn't feel that way today, and probably not tomorrow. There are times I've had where I really thought I wouldn't get through it all. And sometimes I look back on things and realise that if they had gone the way I wanted them to, it would have been a disaster. Anyway. I'm sure you hear enough of this kind of crap, but I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you, in a random, virtual kind of way. Fingers crossed it will all work out, somehow.

I had lunch with a friend today who is soooo gorgeous I really find it hard to sit with her, because everyone just stares at her. It made me feel small and ugly. But she's so nice, it is just unfair! Anyway yayy for me for being friends with a beautiful person.
