A right to have fun

April 20, 2004

weather and lunch

Mmmmmmmm rainy weather and it is still cold too. Great. But I can see for miles out of my window so it is kind of interesting to see all the clouds. And smog. The skyline in this light looks like Tokyo today, but it isn't. Weird.

I'm still working on my project, but things are quiet today (they shouldn't be - if they get any quieter I'm in trouble!!).

I am supposed to be having lunch with my lovely smiley friend who is always hugely late for lunch, when she doesn't cancel. But she's always so apologetic and sweet. Mr doesn't understand why I don't tell her to p!ss off, but she has other qualities that make her wonderful, and besides, she is late for everyone, not just me!

So we might have lunch. And I got a really nice email from my old boss, who I'm still in touch with, and she's so great too. I am lucky to have nice friends, even if sometimes I get sad because they are all scattered around the world.