A right to have fun

May 04, 2004

weird idea but kinda fun


Sometimes I hate things being so complicated. Okay, I've SORT of worked out what I want to do with my life now, so can I please go back 5 years in time and start again from there please?!

Actually that would be scary. But it is hard to know what I want but to be so low down the scale. I have a lot of reading to do and a lot of learning, but that is good.

Quiet cloudy day today. Not much inspiration for anything, although I had such a good idea just now: I always get in to the office way early, before most people arrive, which I like, because it is quiet and peaceful. My problem with living in an appartment is the noise problem when practising an instrument, which is why I don't play piano as much as I should. So.... I thought, why not bring my flute to the office in the morning and practise?! No-one is here, and it wouldn't disturb anyone at all. How cool is that? I can't play it ever in the appartment, it is just too noisy (plus I am way out of practise so it would sound terrible!). I think that is such a great idea.

Now watch everyone start arriving in the office early all of a sudden, or something..........