A right to have fun

September 24, 2004

good fun

I had SUCH a nice night last night. I invited four girls from work and two from not work, and only one decided not to come in the end (and she's one of my best friends, and her excuse was she wanted to go to the gym, so that was weird, but I'll forget about it - I guess she had a reason?!).
It was a really nice mixture, people got on really well and it was good fun. Nice wine and champagne and food (fig risotto - mmmmmmm) and laughter and friendship. I hadn't seen Sophie for almost 6 years so it was really special. I couldn't believe they all came (except one) and they all made an effort and they paid for everything, which made me feel bad, but they were so sweet. And M drove me home which was great, because it was late and it was nice not to have to face public transport at that time.
It just left me feeling happy - mainly because most of them, except Sophie, I've known for a reasonably short period of time, and that they were so sweet and fun and caring and nice made me feel good. I am not great at making friends with girls because they can be catty, but these were all really nice.
Just realised I didn't finish my entry from yesterday when I got interrupted. I'll have to do that later because things are a bit busy right now!