A right to have fun

September 27, 2004

my weekend

Was really cold and tired on Saturday, but I finished my dress for Friday (sewing !! Go me!!) and did some shopping and masses of tidying and cleaning in the apartment. Actually I did loads on Friday night too, because Mr disappeared. I came home and there was a ton of shopping on the doormat and two enormous bags of clean but wet laundry (our machine broke months ago so we're just using the laundrette until we move).
I figured he was around somewhere, so I came into the apartment and was starting to put away my dry-cleaning. Then M, our neighbour who is the best, put her head round the door (I'd left it open in case Mr turned up) and said she'd seen Mr and he'd locked his keys inside the apartment and would be back soon.
So I waited, and waited. And while I was waiting, I got busy. I tidied, and vacuumed, and dusted, and cleaned the bathroom and it got later and later and finally just when I was about to freak Mr arrived and he'd been to see a skin specialist for this problem he had, and he'd been sent last minute for an urgent appointment on Friday evening because he's getting married next week, and because he'd locked everything in the apartment he was just runnign around the streets going between pharmacies to collect tons of medication!
Anyway. Then Saturday was okay and Sunday I was much more lively and we did more errands and chores and went for a walk in the woods and then finalised the SEATING PLAN which has been driving us utterly nuts for weeks.
hooray. At last
And Maureen phoned, and my aunt, and Anna sent a text message which is so sweet. I like it that people remembered it was a week to go!