A right to have fun

November 03, 2004

maudlin today

Sleeeeepy. We had a long weekend and it was great, just wandering around and enjoying the city while we still can. Falling leaves and cold air. Then rain and mist and cold air. And lunch in a Japanese restaurant and in a French cafe. (not on the same day).
And yesterday at work was quiet.
And they took the piano back yesterday morning, which feels really sad. No more piano. I know we're moving soon but my fingers are missing it. Two men carried it down 7 storeys. It took them 15 minutes and then I leaned out of the window and saw it being put into their lorry and I almost cried. how silly is that? But it felt really sad. Partly because it was my piano going and partly because it is the beginning of us leaving our home. And it's the first home we've had together, and it is lovely. And it is where Mr proposed, and where we've had friends to stay and where we've fought and argued and where we've kissed and made up. And.... it's our home. But it won't be for much longer. Just two weeks and then we are homeless!
I hope we have somewhere by Christmas!