A right to have fun

February 01, 2005

Getting fed up

I'm so anxious and depressed about work and everything I can't sleep. I was awake till 3 am last night and had to get up at 7. And I can't have any coffee because I think that is partly what kept me awake yesterday! I am trying to be good, so I had peppermint tea and a banana for breakfast. Yeahhhh so in about two hours I will be STARVING.
It never works.
I want to get out of here so badly but am hanging on to get a payoff. I hope it works out. I will have to do two more months, but it means I will get a couple of months extra pay to tide me over (us over). Mr is starting to look for a job, I hope.
We're getting the apartment slowly sorted out, and although it will never be like our other one, it is okay. It is quite restful. I like the fact that for now it is quiet at night. The ceilings are much higher than in the old place. I think in the summer there will be a lot of noise from the street, but never mind. Hopefully by the summer I will be living in a house on the sea shore........ I wish!!!
Mr gets sad when he sees I am sad, which is sweet, but which worries me. I should act happier!
Oh well, I got my drawing stuff out the other evening and did a quick ink drawing of the peach blossom we bought at the weekend. It is so pretty in my Japanese vase.