A right to have fun

February 22, 2005


It started snowing yesterday!! how exciting! It almost became a blizzard! (well, kind of heavy swirling snow) - but it didn't lie. It snowed in the night too, and my colleagues who live outside the city are all snowed in. Whereas those of us who live in the city, even on the edges of it miles away so that we have to catch trains and buses and set out about four hours early to get to work every day didn't get any snow. Just a tiny sprinkle of it that turned to rain. Boo. I want snow!
Meanwhile I have a meeting with my boss this morning (hello? I hate my job. I mean really really hate it. I am bad at it too, which is bad for me and bad for the company. Please let me leave) and my father wants to talk to me (what does he want?) and I made a doctor's appointment and I don't really want to go.
There's nothing really wrong with me though, so it's even more annoying to have to sit and wait to be called, and it is the last appointment of the day because the doctor is only in this morning.
I hate everything.