A right to have fun

October 15, 2003

Two entries today - crazeee

I got the sweetest email from a friend here (ahem, my friend who I've complained about in the past because she ALWAYS shows up really late for lunch etc). I told her about the annoying friends staying and she said I was welcome to go stay at her house! That's so sweet.

Instead I got so tired at work that I decided to come home and do some work since the guests don't have a key so they are forced to stay out until 5 pm (so mean, oh dear, actually it wasn't intentional, we asked them what suited them best and they chose that option). Anyway I decided to go via a new sandwich bar on the way that had just opened according to the local free paper. Went to number 38 (I am sure it said it was at number 38) all excited, (one gets one's pleasures how one can you know) and it wasn't there. It's really cold today, although it's sunny, so I shivered my way down the street to number 83 in case I have dyscalcula (however you spell it. anyway I think I have it because I can never remember numbers). not there either. I came home in the end and I'm not going to search for trendy ANYTHING anymore. I've had so many wild goose chases tracking down dresses, shoes, make-up, the latest whatever it is that the magazines try to foist on me, and I'm just not playing that game any more. ha.

anyway I can't wait for this evening to see what the latest installment of the weirdo guests is.