A right to have fun

October 16, 2003



weird scene last night. went out for dinner (no they did not pay), although they were tired after a lot of walking and it was sort of okay, although I was pretty tired myself from making stupid conversation.

Coming home in the street we got attacked by two big guys (we chicks had walked ahead because we are SUCH good friends and we were having SUCH an interesting conversation, well it was okay actually) - they grabbed us and said we were theirs now and we were going with them and pushed our 'menfolk' around too, and they threatened them so that they couldn't react in case they got punched, so I just completely snapped and somehow pulled the horrible weirdos off myself and the other girl, put her behind me (smart reflexes, for once I am totally proud of myself, it is great!) and started really hitting the guy nearest me! It's unlike me, really it is.

Anyway then he started calling me an ugly biatch and said I was depriving the other girl of a good time (poor thing didn't understand, so she was standing there totally confused and really scared) so I called him something worse VERY LOUD and they slunk off!!! I rocked! Everyone was really surprised, including myself.

Afterwards I thought it was a pretty stupid thing to do of course, especially if they'd had a knife or something, but anyway they didn't so I was lucky.

Anyway so then we all went home and it was all much more fun and it was at least a good - if strange - ending to their visit and they leave today yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

still, it was fun while it lasted!!

Me, the pacifist. wonders will never cease.