A right to have fun

July 01, 2004

second entry today


Oh my god (okay, people can see over my shoulder at work so this is a dangerous thing to be writing about so apologies if it comes out weird)

This guy turned up in our office today, and he asked me out about 4 years ago when I was on a conference, but I had to turn him down (because of Mr but also because I had a prior "date" with my -female- BOSS, which really sucked but ensured I gave the RIGHT ANSWER). Anyway he just turned up in our office and he is totally gorgeous. That is all I have to say. And of course he doesn't remember ever having seen me, which is the way it should be (not - he should be bowled over a second time if he was any kind of a man!!!).

Anyway. It is kind of weird seeing someone from your past - we only spent a little time together but I always remembered he was fun. It is nice that he is good-looking. What am I trying to say? Not sure really. Just surprised to see him again and glad (genuinely) he doesn't remember me, but also glad he is a nice person to have been asked out by. And of COURSE he is not as handsome as Mr. Not even close. O:-)