A right to have fun

July 01, 2004

My out of control dress

I was thinking how hard it must be to be a coloratura. Especially in the magic flute, when everyone is waiting for that one damned aria and the pressure is really on because everyone knows the aria quite well.

Anyway then I was thinking what a great couple of arias Pamina has. And that's quite enough thinking about nice things!

Last night Mr was working so I tidied up some stuff and cleared out my clothes closet and then I made a lot of room and got out THE DRESS to hang it up (it's been in the bag all carefully folded since the weekend) and it kind of exploded all over the room. Okay, dresses don't explode but bear with me. It's the pleats. They just sort of expanded everywhere and I couldn't get the skirt section under control, and the dress kept slipping off the hanger and slipping out of my hands because it's so heavy and made of silk, and at one point I was laughing but ready to cry because I thought I was going to ruin this really expensive dress. It was impossible to hang it up with just one pair of hands, but I couldn't put it back the way they'd done it. Anyway I think I got it under control and packed away after a whole hour of fighting and wrestling with it, and since there are a few months to go until the big day (if it ever happens) I will just let it hang in there and worry about it nearer the time. I was thinking, if we do the wedding here rather than back home then I will ask to take the dress next door to lovely M across the hall, and hang it out there in a bigger space for a couple of days to make sure it's not ruined! She's trustworthy and also she doesn't smoke, so it will be safe with her!

A completely non-busy day at work today, only the big boss is coming over for a whirlwind tour so we've all been instructed to TIDY OUR DESKS (yeah, whatever) and to come to a meeting at 5pm. Okay, okay!

What else? Oh yep, so after the exploding dress and the closet tidying, I ironed clothes for about 2 hours and I was exhausted! I hate ironing, so I leave it all and do it in one go, which is stupid because then it makes it much worse.

What an exciting entry.