A right to have fun

September 28, 2004

flowers and everything

Woo got a huge huge bouquet of flowers from my team today. That was pretty exciting. I guessed when the receptionist phoned me that that was what it would be, because they sent flowers to the last girl who got married. Really nice though! They are lovely roses - red and creamy-white and yellow - sort of autumnal colours. They look amazing and I have no idea how I will get them home, but it will be fun.
And I have had surprise nice emails and calls and text messages from people - mainly friends, I must say. Not so much from family.
My friend M called today and shrieked 'it's your last Tuesday!' down the phone at me. She is so funny. Even if she is always late for things.
I had C and C round last night for a drink and they brought us their present - so generous. It was fun to have them in the apartment. Mr liked it too. I am missing my other friends this week, because they are all away. I'd like them to be around for the sanity check I need, but I had lunch today with Max which was surprisingly fun. I like the way invitations keep dropping out of the sky. I am starting to feel spoilt - but it will soon all be over, I know!